Anchor in the Storm

Anchor In The Storm - 24x48 Acrylic on Canvas 2021

Donated to Youth Unlimited in 2021 to raise funds for at-risk and vulnerable youth

Jan. 30, 2022

I initially wrote this post on November 24th and wasn’t ready to share it, but now I am. It’s an entry from my journal that I wrote on day 45 without alcohol. I’m thrilled to report that today is day 111 :)

I’m breaking wide open. Deep down, long-buried, gut-wrenching pain seeps out of my heart, and my eyes are leaking healing tears.

It hurts, yes, but not as much as the hiding hurts.

It’s not long before the light not only peeks in - it starts pouring in through all the cracks I’ve been trying to fill with the wrong things.

Numbing doesn’t work. Trust me, I’ve tried all the ways. Not eating - eating too much - smoking - drinking - over-working - being busy - etc…

I didn’t expect this or plan it. I just felt called to let go - to surrender - to stop running away from the pain.

Who knew? The only way past the pain is through the pain.

He is our Anchor in the Storm. Trust Him to show you the next step. If you ask Him, He will answer.

Who is He? He is Jesus. He loves you like no other. Let Him in - you won’t be disappointed.

Blessings and peace to you today my friends.

~ Jenn xo