The beautiful heart that inspired The Truman Project - my Mom!

This is Rosie. She was one of my favourites because of her tongue! And her sweet spirit….such a love muffin xoxo

This is Rosie. She was one of my favourites because of her tongue! And her sweet spirit….such a love muffin xoxo

Some of you know that my dear Mom passed on Nov. 12th, 2019.

She cared for all the old, geriatric dogs that were too high maintenance to go to a kennel.

They became part of our family. I was always a bit sad when visiting Mom, if she didn’t have one of her regular charges… Lucy, Winnie, Darby, Tikki, Rosie, Rascal, Bailie, Lola

My mom & I shared a love of dogs, and we often sat up late into the evening just talking and cuddling with the four-legged’s. I miss those times, my Mom and the dogs!

I’d love for you to share pics of your furbabies.

During these crazy times of social isolation because of Covid19, it’s nice to get a little fill of cuteness in our lives :)

My next Truman Project blog post will give a bit more detail into the nitty gritty of the vision behind the project.

I hope you will continue to share in the ‘waiting for Truman’ phase with me! :)

xo Jenn