
Surrender has been big for me lately. I spent the first half of my life trying to be in control of everything. It didn’t work.

My hubby & I have been watching The Vikings show lately, so here’s my current word picture for Surrender...

Imagine you’re just out past the shore of the ocean. The sun is shining down on your face & the breeze is gentle.

Suddenly, the wind picks up, and the waves get stronger. You’re trying to catch your footing but you keep tossing in circles. You’re thrashing around, and you’ve lost control of the situation.

Now, picture the same situation. You’re floating in the ocean, and the weather turns unexpectedly. This time, instead of trying to grip for control, you surrender. You pay attention. You’re curious. You lean in. Suddenly, you’ve found the rhythm of the ocean and soon enough, it has brought you to shore.

What’s the point of all of this? Surrendering to life’s waves leads you to shore. Trying to control unpredictable situations only leaves you lost without direction.

How can you surrender to your life’s challenges this week? I encourage you to listen, and to lean in. You never know which shore you might land on when you do.

Xo Jenn

Jenn Williamson