Family Day Thoughts

Is there anyone in my community who is struggling today? If so, know that you’re not alone.

Family Day is a beautiful holiday - but, it can also be filled with a sense of sadness or regret as we navigate emotions we’ve felt through the losses and estrangements in our lives.

It can be hard not to compare - and sometimes envy - other families that seem to have it all together. 

We don’t tend to share the less-than-perfect details about our family, and let’s face it,there is no perfect family out there.  Even Adam & Eve, God’s kids, messed up! 

I encourage you to reach out if you need someone to talk to. To spend time reflecting on those who you feel your heart is drawn to today. To lean in to whatever you think you might need. To learn, to love, to grow and to forgive.

My heart is with you.

Xo Jenn

Jenn Williamson