Confronting Your Fears as an Artist

Doing a Demo at Opus Art Supply in Langley

I’ve not yet outgrown the fear of a blank canvas... and I don’t anticipate I ever will.

Oftentimes as artists, we get frozen in fear of messing a painting up. It can be so intense that we stop painting entirely.

Just like in life, sometimes we try to see the end prematurely. I have found it very helpful to proceed one small step at a time.

My encouragement to you is that all you need to know is THE NEXT STEP. Just one. It might take you down a path you least expected - enjoy the process and appreciate the beauty that you create.

If you’d like to chat in depth about creative blocks you’re experiencing, I’d love to have a virtual session with you. Shoot me a DM, or send an email to



Jenn Williamson