Creating Your Studio

Here are a few tips on how to create a studio space that inspires you:

Place reminders of people and things you love - photos, momentos, things that make you smile inside.

Colour swatches - place swatches of colours that you love around your space to brighten your surroundings. Colour has a profound effect on your mood - try it!

Display your achievements - have you been in the local newspaper, won an award? Show these off with pride. Sometimes it can give you the extra push you’ve been needing in the day.

Find ways to encourage calmness. For me, it’s diffusing essential oils and having a prayer/meditation/journaling area.

Your studio doesn’t have to be big, it doesn’t have to be pretty. It just has to be a place where you feel comfortable and at peace. Yourself. And hopefully, there aren’t too many spiders!

Xo Jenn

Jenn Williamson